Well, I hope this is the place you're looking for-- 'cause this is my (Lylacshine) blog! Come here for posts and possible updates on whatever comes to mind.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A fresh start

Ah, a fresh start.
Welcome to my Blog, it begins today. It's possible that you reading this, starts today also, or maybe two or three years from now. So, in that case:
Hello people of the future!
Now, since I want to know if people read this, next time you get the chance, write 10/10/10 and post it where I can see it and such (you could just comment... do what you like). It will be our, and everyone else who sees this, little inside joke.
That will prove how awesome you are, but even if you've ignored the last paragraph, if doesn't mean you aren't awesome. So you can survive.
Now, you may know me as Hanaakarii from several places or whatever, but I am also Lylacshine from Warriors Chat & RP! Yes, I am co-admin (last I checked-- five minutes ago, hahah), along with Bramblestar, who created the forums. Give all credit to him, he deserves it. Seriously. You practically-but-not-really-kinda-sorta-really owe it to him. Thanks :)
WELL... that's pretty much it. Now, If you're happy with my post, I'll be wrapping up, and probably posting another one right after this.

So long, people.

P.S: I know this has nothing to do with anything but the fact that Pit is my favorite character and Nintendo is making another Kid Icarus game, but, Pit from Kid Icarus is my favorite video game character. Ahahah.